Levantine Online Learn Lebanese Expressions While it's true that Lebanese Arabic is similar to Modern Standard Arabic, but it does have its own nuances and slangs that can make it difficult for a non-Arabic speaker to speak it, let alone unders... 26 juil. 2021
Levantine Online Learning Arabic? Here’s 4 Tips To Help You Out If you’ve been considering taking Arabic courses, then we’re sure that the question “ is it hard to learn Arabic?” Have crossed your mind. We understand that tackling such a complex language might be ... Arabic 30 avr. 2021
Levantine Online 5 Essential Phrases To Learn If You’re Visiting Lebanon If you’ve been learning Lebanese Arabic from scratch and considering visiting Lebanon in the near future, then make sure to learn these 5 valuable phrases. We'll be discussing the best context for usi... Levantine Dialect 16 avr. 2021
Levantine Online 4 Reasons Why You Should Learn Levantine Arabic With more than 30 million speakers worldwide, it’s the best dialect to learn if you’re interested in the Arabic language. Levantine Arabic refers to the dialects spoken by the natives of Lebanon, Syri... Levantine Dialect 19 mars 2021