Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 14

Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 14

In this lesson, you'll learn how to read and fill in a medical report.

You'll also learn how to communicate any medical condition you might have to medical professionals.

Finally, you'll get to learn some expressions that are related to health and doctors.

These materials are given to students that are registered for our group classes and private lessons only.

If you're not sure which materials are yours or can't access yours, contact us at info@levantineonline.com.

Cours privé
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Responsable Levantine Online
Dernière mise à jour 28/12/2022
Temps d'achèvement 2 heures 35 minutes
Membres 26
Lesson Materials
    • Videos
    • Audios
    • Health And Sickness - Levantine Dialect - Level 5.2.pdf
    • Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 14